What is an Official Community Plan?
An Official Community Plan (OCP) is a policy document that provides the overall planning framework for a community or area. It’s also a strategic document that guides land-use decisions anywhere from five to 20 years in the future, contains policies to manage growth and maintain local character and aims to protect the environment. An OCP may also identify greenway objectives or transportation, industry and parkland policies, among others, to help a community plan for the future.
The Rural Comox Valley Official Community Plan
The Rural Comox Valley Official Community Plan (OCP), along with the Comox Valley Regional Growth Strategy (RGS), is a key tool for guiding future growth and change in the three electoral areas of the CVRD (Area A, B and C).
The OCP is an expression of shared community values and goals. It contains a set of policies that inform community members, developers, real estate agents, approving authorities and elected officials of the goals and objectives of rural residents of the Comox Valley, together with policy direction about what types of future development are acceptable. The OCP designates properties into different land use categories, and outlines policies and objectives for each of these uses.
View the Rural Comox Valley Official Community Plan (OCP)
Comox Valley Transportation Road Network Plan
As part of the development of the OCP, the CVRD and multiple stakeholders developed the Comox Valley Transportation Road Network Plan, which seeks to shift future travel patterns towards sustainable alternatives. Key recommendations in the plan include investing in better cycling and pedestrian infrastructure, building more connected road networks, providing for more safety at identified locations, and extending the transit service.
View the Comox Valley Transportation Road Network Plan
What’s the Difference between the Official Community Plan and the Regional Growth Strategy?
The Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) provides a common vision for the entire region (CVRD, City of Courtenay, Town of Comox, and the Village of Cumberland) through eight goal areas. The RGS is implemented in each community through local Official Community Plans (OCP), as well as regulatory tools such as zoning. This means that each municipality has its own OCP, and each OCP includes a statement that explains how it is working towards the goals of the RGS. While the RGS does not regulate land use within member municipalities, the OCPs do.
More Information
- Learn more about the Regional Growth Strategy.