
The Executive Management Team of the Comox Valley Regional District, led by the Chief Administrative Officer, is tasked with ensuring the efficient delivery of programs and services within the Comox Valley Regional District. Though this team is accountable to the Board of Directors, its members share a much greater sense of accountability to each Comox Valley Regional District resident.

All members of the Executive Management Team act as key advisors to the Chief Administrative Officer and the Board of Directors with regard to implementing Board’s strategic priorities and delivering services.

CVRD Organization Chart

Executive Management Team

James Warren

James Warren, Chief Administrative Officer

James is responsible for managing all matters relating the office of the Chief Administrative Office including human resources, payroll, communications, marketing, public engagement, media relations, risk management and strategic planning. James ensures a comprehensive and integrated approach in the provision of services in order to meet the strategic priorities and requirements of the board, the Chief Administrative Officer and various stakeholders, while supporting and enhancing the sustainability principles and policies of the Regional Growth Strategy and related land conservation, public health and safety strategies.

The CAO for the CVRD is also the CAO for the Comox Strathcona Regional Hospital District and Deputy Secretary for the North Island 911 Corporation. The CAO leads the CVRD's executive management team, comprising of the engineering services branch, community services branch, planning and development services branch, finance, deputy office of the CAO and corporate services branch.

Phone: 250-334-6007
Doug DeMarzo

Doug DeMarzo, General Manager of Community Services

Doug is responsible for managing all matters relating to key interests of the community, including parks, recreation, fire protection, and emergency planning. They ensure a comprehensive and integrated approach in the provision of services in order to meet the strategic priorities and requirements of the CVRD Board of Directors, Chief Administrative Officer and various stakeholders, while supporting and enhancing the sustainability principles and policies of the Regional Growth Strategy and related land conservation, public health and safety strategies.

Phone: 250-334-6053
Marc Rutten

Marc Rutten, General Manager of Engineering Services

Marc is responsible for water, sewer, rural liquid waste/rainwater management and solid waste. Marc ensures a comprehensive and integrated approach in the provision of services in order to meet the strategic priorities and requirements of the board, Chief Administrative Officer and various stakeholders, while supporting and enhancing the sustainability principles and policies of the Regional Growth Strategy and related land conservation, public health and safety strategies.

Phone: 250-334-6080
Lucy Wiwcharuk

Lucy Wiwcharuk, Chief Financial Officer

Lucy is an appointed officer of the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD), responsible for statutory financial administration duties pursuant to the Local Government Act. The Chief Financial Officer leads the financial, accounting, insurance, procurement and contracting functions for the CVRD, in compliance with legislative requirements and in accordance with the needs of the Board, Chief Administrative Officer and various stakeholders.

Phone: 250-334-6004
Alana Mullaly

Alana Mullaly, General Manager of Planning and Development Services

Alana Mullaly is responsible for the planning, development, transit, sustainability, building and bylaw services for the organization. Alana ensures a comprehensive and integrated approach in the provision of services in order to meet the strategic priorities and requirements of the board, Chief Administrative Officer and various stakeholders, while supporting and enhancing the sustainability principles and policies of the Regional Growth Strategy and related land conservation, public health and safety strategies.

Phone: 250-334-6051
Jake Martens

Jake Martens, General Manager of Corporate Services

Jake is responsible for managing all matters relating to corporate services including: administration, elections, freedom of information requests, geographic information systems, information technology, legislative services and records management. Jake ensures a comprehensive and integrated approach in the provision of services in order to meet the strategic priorities and requirements of the board, the Chief Administrative Officer and various stakeholders, while supporting and enhancing the sustainability principles and policies of the Regional Growth Strategy and related land conservation, public health and safety strategies.

Phone: 250-334-6029
Christianne Wile

Christianne Wile, Senior Manager of Strategic Initiatives

Christianne supports the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) and works closely with the CAO to ensure strategic initiatives are aligned with corporate priorities and the organization’s objective of building positive external relationships. She supports a broad range of CVRD projects and provides leadership to advance engagement with Indigenous peoples, government, regulatory bodies, and community stakeholders. Christianne works with the CAO on key local government initiatives and is a key resource in building partnerships with external parties and determining priorities for the CVRD. In her role, Christianne also supports strategic partnerships and projects for the Comox Strathcona Regional Hospital District.

Phone: 250-334-6066