Wood Smoke Reduction Program

2025 Wood Smoke Reduction Program 

You can help reduce the impact of wood smoke in the Comox Valley by switching to a cleaner heating appliance or by following smart burning practices.

Free Moisture Meter

Pick up a free Moisture Meter (while quantities last) to ensure you are burning dry wood. Available at 770 Harmston Avenue, Courtenay.

Purple Air Quality Monitors

Thanks to a generous donation from the BC Lung Foundation, the CVRD has a very limited number of free Purple Air Quality Monitor Sensors available to residents of the electoral areas on a first-come, first-served basis. These sensors are being distributed with the intention of expanding the citizen science network to provide improved coverage for the public to understand air quality in the Comox Valley. A suitable outdoor location with an outdoor power source and stable WIFI signal is required. Interested residents can pick them up from the CVRD office at 770 Harmston Avenue, Courtenay (while quantities last).

Burn Wise - Smart Burning Tips

  • Avoid burning on days when air pollution is high. Check for any provincial bans and review the ventilation index before burning.
  • Maintain stable, hot combustion conditions. Smouldering leads to higher levels of Particulate Matter (PM) emissions.
  • Season your firewood for at least 6 months.
  • Burn dry by ensuring wood moisture content is less than 20%. Free moisture meters are available at the CVRD main office.

Backyard Burning Alternatives (3 C's)

Rebates for Exchanging a Woodstove

The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) is offering rebates to eligible residents who remove their 5+ year old wood-burning appliance used for home heating and replace it with an electric heat pump.

New Heating Appliance Type Rebate Amount
Electric Source Heat Pump $2,000
Electric Source Heat Pump (K’ómoks First Nation) $2,300

Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis for all households in the Comox Valley that meet the eligibility criteria below. One rebate per household.