Public Hearings


Public Hearing Information

The purpose of a public hearing is to allow affected citizens to provide their views to their elected officials on the adoption of certain bylaws such as Official Community Plans and zoning amendments.  All persons who believe that their interest in property is affected by a proposed bylaw that is subject to a public hearing will be afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard. 

Current Public Hearings

A public hearing will be conducted to consider Bylaw 817 being "Rural Comox Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 520, Amendment No. 16 on October 28, 2024 in the Civic Room, 770 Harmston Ave, Courtenay, BC. 

Due to the subject location of this public hearing, electronic participation will be available. See below instructions to register. 

Public Hearing agendas are available here once published: /agendas

How To Participate in Public Hearings:

You can indicate your support or opposition to a proposed bylaw in one of the following ways:

1. Submit Written Comments

Email Send an email to
Mail  Mail your comments to:
Comox Valley Regional District
Attention: Planning Department
770 Harmston Avenue,
Courtenay BC  V9N 0G8
Dropbox Drop off your written comments at the Regional District dropbox by the main entrance, to the attention of the Planning Department.
Fax 250-334-4358

Submissions received BEFORE 4:30 pm on the day of the public hearing will be included in the online meeting agenda package.  Submissions submitted after the conclusion of the public hearing will not be received or considered.

2.   In person at the public hearing

3. By electronic means:

  • Please click this link to register for electronic participation. After entering your name and email address you will receive a web link via email to join the webinar.
  • Raise your "hand" to be added to the queue by clicking on the hand icon. You will be called on and unmuted when it is your turn to speak.
  • If you are having technical difficulties, please use the Q&A feature to contact staff.

4. By Phone:

  • Dial +1 778 907 2071 and enter the Meeting ID: 828 4969 8035 
  • Press *9 to be added to the queue, you will be called on and unmuted when it is your turn to speak

Please Note:

  • Everyone will have up to three minutes to speak
  • Please clearly state your name when you begin speaking
  • Turn off all audio devices during the meeting when you are speaking on the phone to prevent feedback and do not use the speaker phone feature.

Public Hearings in General

  • Every person attending the public hearing will be given the opportunity to be heard. Your comments must be relevant to the item being considered at the Public Hearing.
  • The Board's role at the public hearing is to listen to the public. The Board will not challenge your comments, but may ask questions for clarification. 
  • After the staff and applicant presentations, the Chair will invite comments from the public.
  • Those who wish to comment at the public hearing are given an opportunity to do so, for a set period of time that will be specified by the chair at the public hearing.
  • After all participants have spoken, the floor will open to those who wish to speak a second time. The public hearing will continue until everyone who wishes to speak, has had the opportunity to, after which the Chair will close the meeting. 
  • Those appearing before the Board to provide comment must state their full name and city/community of residence for the record. 
  • Direct all your comments and answers to the Chair.
  • Speak slowly and clearly.
  • Be prepared; speaking times are typically limited three to five minutes and will be confirmed by the Chair at the public hearing. 


Please note that your comments, verbally or written, will form a part of the public record. Correspondence you submit will be published on the agenda and the minutes. Your address will be disclosed as it informs the Board’s consideration of your opinion in relation to the subject property and is authorized under section 26c of the FOIPPA Act. Your phone number and email will not be disclosed.