Climatic & Geological Data

The climatic and seismic values required for the design of buildings and structures in the Comox Valley Regional District shall conform to the values prescribed in table 21.1 or, in the absence of such data, to section in part 1 of division B and the climatic and seismic values prescribed in table C-2 in appendix C of division B of the BC Building Code.

Location Ground Snow Load (kPa) Maximum Elevation Above Sea Level (m)
  SS SR  
North of Latitude  49°48'00"N 2.8 0.4 200
South of Latitude 49°48'00"N 2.4 0.4 200

Latitude and Elevation Reference Map

Note: The reference map is for use within CVRD Electoral Areas A (excluding Denman and Hornby Islands), B and C, and does not include data for the municipalities of the Town of Comox, City of Courtenay and Village of Cumberland.

Note: Where no climatic value is prescribed, the owner shall submit evidence in writing from Environment Canada to establish the climatic values. Contact Environment Canada via email or call 416-739-4365.