Looking to find out about the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD)’s planning bylaws?
See below to learn more about each planning bylaw or click on the PDF to view the full text.
Comox Valley Regional District Regional Growth Strategy Bylaw No. 120
This is the bylaw adopting the CVRD’s Regional Growth Strategy, in effect as of 2011.
Comox Valley Regional District Planning Procedures and Fees Bylaw No. 328
This bylaw outlines the processes and fees for all planning and development applications within the CVRD.
Development Permit Delegation Bylaw No. 2365
With this bylaw, the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) Board delegates to CVRD officers the power to issue development permits for the following: Aquatic and Riparian Habitat, Eagle Nest, Blue Heron, Soft Shoreline Protection Devices and Steep Slopes.
Comox Valley Regional District Development Approval Information Bylaw No. 369
The purpose of requiring development approval information is to ensure that applicable studies and relevant information are provided to the CVRD to evaluate the impact of a proposed development within electoral areas. Schedule of this bylaw provides descriptions on these studies, and outlines the information required by the CVRD.
Comox Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 520
Zoning Bylaw No. 520 applies to all three electoral areas within the CVRD (except for Denman and Hornby Islands). The municipalities of Courtenay, Comox and Cumberland have their own zoning bylaws.
Advisory Planning Commission Bylaw No. 750
This bylaw establishes the Advisory Planning Commission (APC) for the three electoral areas of the CVRD. APCs are established by Electoral Area Directors and members of the public are appointed to them.
The purpose of an APC is to provide advice on land use matters, such as zoning bylaw amendments, development variance permits, and form and character development permits. Their input is given as advice, and their comments are incorporated into planning staff reports for consideration by the Comox Valley Regional District Board.
The CVRD currently has APCs in Baynes Sound – Denman/Hornby Islands (Electoral Area A), Lazo North (Electoral Area B) and Puntledge – Black Creek (Electoral Area C), as well as the region-wide Agricultural Advisory Planning Commission. See the meetings schedule to find out when and where local APC meetings are taking place.
Comox Valley Regional District Agricultural Advisory Planning Commission Bylaw No. 751
The Agricultural Advisory Planning Commission (AAPC) advises the Comox Valley Regional District Board on all agricultural matters. The AAPC will strive to promote and strengthen the long-term viability of agriculture in the Comox Valley and assist the Electoral Areas Services Committee and the Board in achieving the goals and objectives included in the Regional Growth Strategy and Official Community Plan as related to agriculture.
Comox Valley Regional District Board of Variance Bylaw No. 8
This bylaw establishes the board of variance (BOV), sets out the procedures to be followed by the BOV and requires that a record of all of its decisions be maintained and available for public review.
Comox Valley Regional District Special Events Bylaw No. 395
The intent of the Special Events Permit Bylaw is to identify, minimize and mitigate the risks associated with special events, while reducing the impacts on the host community. The bylaw addresses these risks though provisions that transfer liability to the event organizer and minimize risks to the CVRD. Further, the bylaw intends to provide for adequate health, sanitation and protective measures for people attending large events.
Floodplain Management Bylaw No. 600
Development in and near floodplains is governed by this bylaw. The main purpose of the bylaw is to help protect buildings and structures from flood hazards.
Rural Comox Valley Official Community Plan (OCP) Bylaw No. 337
This bylaw establishes the Rural Comox Valley Official Community Plan.