Comox Valley Water System
The Comox Valley Water System serves approximately 50,000 people (or 16,000 connections). Water is drawn from an intake in Comox Lake and flows through a network of reservoirs, pumping stations and transmission mains or pipes. The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) supplies bulk water to distribution systems operated by the City of Courtenay, Town of Comox and the Comox Valley Water Local Service Area. The CVRD also operates five other water systems within the Comox Valley.
Water Restrictions
Please note: stage 1 water restrictions automatically go into effect on May 1st every year.
Even Address Odd Address Lawn and garden sprinkling is permitted between the hours of 5 am - 8 am and 7 pm -10 pm on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Lawn and garden sprinkling is permitted between the hours of 5 am - 8 am and 7 pm -10 pm on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.
During Stage 1 Restrictions:
A person may only use a sprinkler to water a lawn or garden growing on a property with:
- An even numbered address – Between the hours of 5 am to 8 am and 7 pm to 10 pm on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. They may not use a sprinkler to water the lawn or garden on any other day or time.
- An odd numbered address – Between the hours of 5 am to 8 am and 7 pm to 10 pm on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. They may not use a sprinkler to water the lawn or garden on any other day or time.
- Local governments may use a sprinkler to water parks, ornamental lawns and grassed boulevards between the hours of 11 pm and 7 am on even numbered days for even numbered addresses and odd numbered days for odd numbered addresses.
- Strata properties grouped under a single civic address should use their unit numbers to determine watering days in accordance with stage 1 date and time restrictions.
- Strata common areas may be watered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays between the hours of 5 am - 8 am and 7 pm - 10 pm as long as no more than half the area is watered on any single day.
An Individual May:
- Water trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetables with a sprinkler during the prescribed hours and days for Stage 1 watering restrictions and on any day at any time if watering is done using micro- or drip-irrigation, a hand-held container or a hand-held hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle.
- Water newly planted trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetables by any method during installation and for the following 24 hours.
- Under the authority of a permit, water new sod on installation and during the first 21 days after installation, and water newly seeded lawns until growth is established or for 49 days after installation, whichever is less, with a sprinkler but only during the prescribed Stage 1 watering hours, and at any time if watering is done using a hand-held hose equipped with an automatic shutoff nozzle.
- Water all-weather playing fields at any time if failure to do so will result in a permanent loss of plant material.
- Wash exterior windows and building surfaces with water using a hand-held container or hand-held hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle.
- Wash a vehicle with water using a hand-held container or hand-held hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle and at car dealerships and commercial car washes.
Exceptions to Stage 1 Restrictions:
- Owners or occupiers of property who, by reason of physical or mental incapacity, are unable to water their property within the restricted days and times, may water their property on any three days of the week for a maximum of six hours per day.
- Nurseries, farms, turf farms and tree farms are exempt from the restrictions.
- Local government water parks and pools are exempt from the restrictions.
- Owners or operators of golf courses may water:
- trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables grown on golf courses any day at any time if using micro-irrigation or drip-irrigation system, hand held container or a hand held hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle or by any method during installation and for the following 24 hours; and
- fairways, golf greens and tees on any day if failure to do so will result in permanent loss of plant material.
Please note: stage 2 water restrictions automatically go into effect on July 1st every year.
Even address Odd address Lawn and garden sprinkling is permitted between the hours of 6 am - 8 am and 8 pm - 10 pm on Tuesday and Saturday.
Lawn and garden sprinkling is permitted between the hours of 6 am - 8 am and 8 pm - 10 pm on Wednesday and Sunday.
During Stage 2 Restrictions
A person may only use a sprinkler to water a lawn and garden growing on a property with:
- An even numbered address – On Tuesday and Saturday between the hours of 6 am - 8 am and 8 pm - 10 pm. They may not use a sprinkler to water the lawn or garden on any other day or time
- An odd numbered address – On Wednesday and Sunday between the hours of 6 am - 8 am and 8 pm - 10 pm. They may not use a sprinkler to water the lawn or garden on any other day or time.
- Local government may use a sprinkler to water parks, ornamental lawns and grassed boulevards between the hours of 11 pm and 7 am on even numbered days for even numbered addresses and odd numbered days for odd numbered addresses.
- Strata properties grouped under a single civic address should use their unit numbers to determine watering days in accordance with stage 2 date and time restrictions.
- Strata common areas may be watered on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays between the hours of 6 am - 8 am and 8 pm - 10 pm as long as no more than half the area is watered on any single day.
An Individual May:
- Water trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetables with a sprinkler during the prescribed hours and days for Stage 2 watering restrictions and on any day at any time if watering is done using micro- or drip-irrigation, a hand-held container or a hand-held hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle.
- Water newly planted trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetables by any method during installation and for the following 24 hours.
- Under the authority of a permit, water new sod on installation and during the first 21 days after installation, and water newly seeded lawns until growth is established or for 49 days after installation, whichever is less, with a sprinkler but only during the prescribed Stage 2 watering hours, and at any time if watering is done using a hand-held hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle.
- Water all-weather playing fields at any time if failure to do so will result in a permanent loss of plant material.
- Wash exterior windows and building surfaces with water using a hand-held container or hand-held hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle.
- Wash a vehicle with water using a hand-held container or hand-held hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle and at car dealerships and commercial car washes.
No Person Shall:
- Use water to wash sidewalks, driveways or parking lots except as necessary for applying a product such as paint, preservative or stucco, preparing a surface prior to paving or repointing bricks or if required by law to comply with health or safety regulations.
Exceptions to Stage 2 Restrictions:
- Owners or occupiers of property who, by reason of physical or mental incapacity, are unable to water their property within the restricted days and times, may water their property on any two days of the week for a maximum of four hours per day.
- Nurseries, farms, turf farms and tree farms are exempt from the restrictions.
- Local government water parks and pools are exempt from the restrictions.
- Owners and operators of commercial pressure washing companies may use water but only as part of their normal business operations.
- Owners or operators of golf courses may water:
- fairways at any time on not more than two days per week;
- trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetables grown on golf courses in accordance with Stage 2 date and time restrictions for residential and non-residential users; and
- golf greens and tees on any day if failure to do so will result in permanent loss of plant material.
During Stage 3 Water Restrictions:
- No person shall:
- water a lawn or boulevard;
- fill or add water to a swimming pool, hot tub or garden pond;
- fill or add water to or operate a decorative fountain at any time; or
- wash a vehicle or a boat with water.
An Individual May:
- Water trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables on any day at any time if watering is done using micro-irrigation or drip-irrigation, a hand-held container, or a hand-held hose equipped with an automatic shut-off nozzle.
- Water newly planted trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetables using a hand-held container or a hand-held hose equipped with an automatic shutoff nozzle during installation and at any time during the following 24 hours after installation is completed.
- Water all-weather playing fields at any time, but only if failure to do so will result in a permanent loss of plant material.
- Use water to wash sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, exterior windows or exterior building surfaces, but only if necessary for applying a product such as paint, preservative or stucco, preparing a surface prior to paving or repointing bricks or if required by law to comply with health or safety regulations.
Exceptions to Stage 3 Restrictions:
- Owners or occupiers of property who, by reason of physical or mental incapacity, are unable to water their property within the restricted days and times, may water their property on any two days of the week for a maximum of four hours per day.
- Nurseries, farms, turf farms and tree farms are exempt from the restrictions.
- Local government water parks and pools are exempt from the restrictions.
- Local government may use a sprinkler to water parks, ornamental lawns and grassed boulevards between the hours of 11 pm to 7 am on even numbered days for even numbered addresses and odd numbered days for odd numbered addresses.
- Owners or operators of golf courses may water:
- fairways at any time on not more than one day per week;
- trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetables grown on golf courses in accordance with Stage 3 date and time restrictions for non-residential users; and
- golf greens and tees on any day if failure to do so will result in permanent loss of plant material.
- Wading pools less than 200 centimetres in diameter may be filled with water up to a maximum depth of 30 centimetres.
- Vehicles and boats may be washed with water only:
- to clean windows, lights, mirrors, licence plates, and engines for safety; and
- at car dealerships and commercial car washes using less than 205 litres of water per vehicle wash, or 50 per cent recirculated water, as long as the total amount of water, excluding recirculated water, does not exceed 205 litres per vehicle wash.
- No person shall:
During stage 4 water restrictions, all use of water for any purpose other than drinking, food preparation and personal hygiene is strictly prohibited.
Stage 4 restrictions apply to businesses in exactly the same way as they do to residential use. If your business uses water as a regular part of its operations, you may need to make adjustments to comply with these restrictions as no permits or exemptions will be issued.
Prohibited uses include:
- Watering lawns, gardens, plants and trees in any manner or by any means, including watering by hand
- Filling or topping off or operating residential or commercial pools, hot tubs, ponds or fountains
- Operating local government outdoor water parks and pools
- Washing vehicles, boats or outdoor surfaces
- Irrigating golf courses and other public and/or school district property
Where reasonably possible, swimming pools, hot tubs, fountains and ponds should be drained for health and safety purposes and such water used for irrigation.
No new lawn permit shall be issued during Stage 4, and no new lawn permit, whenever issued, shall be valid during Stage 4.
Exceptions to Stage 4 Restrictions:
- Using water for health and safety reasons is permitted.
- Water use is permitted for firefighting.
- Local government watermain and hydrant maintenance is permitted, but only for unscheduled safety or public health reasons.
- Water use is permitted for farm and agricultural operations, but only for livestock drinking purposes.
- Cleaning outdoor surfaces is only authorized when required by law to comply with health or safety regulations, or to comply with an order of a regulatory authority having jurisdiction, such as WorkSafeBC or a public health inspector.
- Irrigating local government all-weather playing fields is permitted.
- Spot cleaning of vehicles and boats with a sponge and bucket for health and safety reasons (windows, lights, licence plates, etc.) is permitted.
Reporting Water Restriction Infractions
Residents may be fined up to $500 per infraction if found using water contrary to Stage 4 water restrictions.
To report water restriction infractions, please contact:
City of Courtenay
Tel: 250-338-4441CVRD or Town of Comox
Tel: 250-334-6000
Sharing Our Water

Water in the Comox Valley Regional District needs to be used efficiently. The water from Comox Lake and the Puntledge River is licensed and used primarily by BC Hydro for electricity generation and by Fisheries and Oceans Canada for hatcheries and other habitat projects. In addition, the water source has numerous important ecological values and uses.
The following organizations are key partners in protecting this shared resource:
The West Courtenay, Marsden, Comox, Crown Isle and East Courtenay reservoirs are required for fire storage, emergency storage, water pressure and to balance flow throughout the day (including meeting peak hourly demand).
Pump Stations
The Ryan and Dingwall pump stations are required to distribute water throughout the supply system when gravity supply is not possible. The Puntledge River pump station is the Comox Valley's backup source during periods when BC Hydro is undertaking maintenance or repairs on the penstock. The East Courtenay pump station and Marsden pump station both pump directly to parts of the distribution system that sit at higher elevations.
Chlorination Facility
The chlorination station on the Puntledge River is required to disinfect the water to safe standards set out in the Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines.
Supply Watermains
Supply (or transmission) watermains are required to distribute large volumes of water throughout the system, for example from the chlorination station to the reservoirs.
Beginning in 2019, a $60 annual parcel tax will be collected in most areas to provide funds for replacing capital assets and funding system upgrades associated with the greater Comox Valley water distribution system. This will replace the frontage tax previously charged in the Comox Valley and Marsden/Camco local water service areas.
Each of the six former service areas had different amounts in their individual reserve funds. In order to ensure each area is contributing to the new reserve fund in an equitable way, some areas will be levied an equalization parcel tax. The amount will vary depending on the reserve fund in each original service area.
The equalization parcel tax will be charged until December 31, 2023, except in Sandwick service, where it will be charged until December 31, 2028.
The properties that were formerly in the Arden water local service area had previously contributed to its reserve fund to a sufficient level and no annual parcel tax is required until 2027.
All properties that were already in the Comox Valley water local service area will be assessed the annual $60 parcel tax. This will replace the frontage tax previously charged in the Comox Valley local water service area.
No equalization parcel tax will be collected. A 5.25% Province of BC collection fee will be added to the annual parcel tax.
All properties that were formerly in the England Road water local service area will be assessed the $60 parcel tax and an equalization parcel tax. The equalization parcel tax for England Road properties is $88, which will be collected from each parcel until 2023.
The total annual parcel tax amount for properties formerly in the England Road service area will be $148, plus a 5.25% Province of BC collection fee.
Additionally, those applicable property owners in the England Road service will continue to pay $489 annually for the original debt, which will be retired in 2020.
All properties that were formerly in the Greaves Crescent water distribution service will be assessed the $60 parcel tax and an equalization parcel tax. The equalization parcel tax for Greaves Crescent properties is $13, which will be collected from each parcel until 2023.
The total annual parcel tax amount for properties formerly in the Greaves Crescent service area will be $73, plus a 5.25% Province of BC collection fee.
The properties that were formerly in the Marsden/Camco water local service area had previously contributed to its reserve fund to sufficient a level and no annual parcel tax is required until 2024.
All properties that were formerly in the Sandwick water local service area will be assessed the $60 parcel tax and an equalization parcel tax. The equalization parcel tax for Sandwick properties is $197, which will be collected from each parcel until 2028.
The total annual parcel tax amount for properties formerly in the Sandwick service area will be $257, plus a 5.25% Province of BC collection fee.
Responding to residents experiencing issues with well water, informal canvassing and at the direction of the Electoral Areas Services Committee (EASC), the Comox Valley Regional District completed a feasibility study into the possibility of establishing a new water local service area to connect residents within the Radford Road area to community water. The completed feasibility study was presented to the EASC in December 2022.