External Appointments

Through the process of board resolution, the Comox Valley Regional District Board of Directors has appointed representatives to a number of local organizations and agencies.

External Appointments 2022-2026

of Organization Director Appointed Alternate Director
AVICC Climate Leadership Steering Committee Cole-Hamilton NA
AVICC Special Committee on Solid Waste and Circular Economy McCollum (CV), Mawhinney (SRD) Wells (CV), Vonesch (SRD)
Community Justice Centre of the Comox Valley  Grieve Hardy
Comox Valley Community Health Network Coordinating Circle Cole-Hamilton Grieve
Comox Valley Food Policy Council Grieve Hardy
Comox Valley Social Planning Council Grieve Arbour
Island Corridor Foundation (including working groups) Cole-Hamilton McCollum (for CVRD working groups only)
Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation for the K’ómoks First Nations treaty negotiation process Hillian Nichol
Municipal Finance Authority McCollum  Grieve
Municipal Insurance Association of BC Cole-Hamilton Kerr / CAO
North Island 9-1-1 Grant Swift
Vancouver Island Regional Library Board Hardy Grieve

Policy - Board Appointments to External Organizations