

The FireSmart™ program in the Comox Valley is in collaboration with K'ómoks First Nation, Town of Comox, City of Courtenay, Village of Cumberland, Comox Valley Fire Departments, and the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD).

Through the experience from the many years of wildfire events in BC, our partners recognize that wildfires have no respect for local government or community boundaries. Working together regionally is important to reduce and/or mitigate the risk before it becomes a disaster. The group has taken advantage of a provincial government Community Resiliency Investment (CRI) grant funding intended to support public education, reduce the risk of wildfires and mitigate impacts and have created the Comox Valley Regional FireSmart™ Resilience Committee (CVFRC).

The Comox Valley Regional FireSmart™ Resilience Committee representatives have agreed to take on the responsibility for regional planning, coordinating and delivering of grant-eligible initiatives such as but not limited to: encouraging neighbourhoods to implement FireSmart™ practices, support neighbourhoods to become FireSmart™ 'recognized champions', public education, debris removal (wood chipper program), and supporting the development of a regional Comox Valley Community Wildfire Resilience Plan.


Neighbourhood Grant Funding is available through FireSmart Canada