Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance for Recreation Programs

Your four local recreation departments worked together to ensure all Comox Valley residents have access to low cost recreation options. The application form has now been combined so customers will only need to fill out one form, if they qualify, to receive the benefits of their home community and CVRD facilities. The application form can be found below, as well as, residents home recreation sites. Resident families and individuals who are working low income, on BC benefits and/or the family income for 2024 before taxes does not exceed the Canada Low-Income Cut-Off Rates are eligible for the following financial assistance recreation programs.

LEAP participants will receive a $350 subsidy per family member, that can be used towards the cost of registered CVRD recreation programs at the CVRD Sports and Aquatic Centres. The subsidy can be applied when registering for programs online or in-person.

Application Process
Print and complete the LEAP (Leisure for Everyone Accessibility Program) application or pick one up from your local recreation facility.

Completed forms may be dropped off at either the Sports Centre or your local recreation centre during business hours. Be sure to bring the required documentation as listed on the LEAP application form.  Once completed applications are processed, you will be contacted within a few days to come pick up your new cards/coupons.

LEAP Information Handout

LEAP Application Form

Canadian Tire Jumpstart Program

Canadian Tire Jumpstart is dedicated to removing barriers, so children can participate in organized sport and recreation. To find out more about the program, visit the Canadian Tire Jumpstart website.