2025-2029 Financial Planning

Each year, the Comox Valley Regional District updates the financial plan. The plan includes the five-year operational budgets and ten-year capital requirements of each service from one budget year to the next. Each service is reviewed and budgets are created based on the board’s core service strategic priorities, approved work plans, and sound financial practices.

The proposed Financial Plan and Capital Expenditure Program is developed by staff and presented to the Board on January 28, 2025. Between February 3 and February 12, 2025, individual service budgets are presented to their respective boards, committees and commissions for review and feedback.

The Board is required to adopt a five-year Financial Plan annually as per Section 374 of the Local Government Act (RSBC 2015 c.1) by March 31.

We want to hear from you! 

Public feedback on the proposed budgets is encouraged. Please visit our public engagement website to learn more and provide your comments.

Provide Feedback Now on Engage Comox Valley

The timeline for the 2025- 2029 financial planning process:

  • January 28: Proposed budget delivered to the CVRD Board
  • February 3-12: Budget presentations for each board/service: 
    • February 3 - Comox Valley Regional District Board
    • February 4 - Black Creek-Oyster Bay (BCOB)
    • February 10 - Electoral Area Services Committee (EASC)
    • February 11 - Sewer Commission, Water Committee, Recreation Commission, Regional Parks and Trails Committee
    • February 12 - Electoral Area Services Committee (EASC) Continued
  • February 28: Feedback required to be submitted to CVRD by 4:30 pm.
  • March 11: Recommended Budget Presented to the CVRD Board for three readings.
  • March 18: 2025-2029 Financial Planning Bylaw to CVRD Board.
  • CVRD is legislatively required to have its budgets approved prior to March 31.

Quick Links

A Board adopted Financial Planning Policy guides the annual process by outlining the principles, content and schedule for the five-year Financial Plan presentations to the Board.

CVRD Core Services

The CVRD delivers 102 services, each with its own unique budget, to residents in Courtenay, Comox, Cumberland & Electoral Areas A, B & C. Each service falls under one of eight core services. Find our more about the core services, their key service outcomes, the key initiatives and directions for each service, as well as the budgets.