The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) and BC Parks worked together on park plans for the regional and provincial parks that protect Mount Geoffrey on Hornby Island. BC Parks is developing a new management plan for Mount Geoffrey Escarpment Provincial Park and the CVRD has updated the 1998 park master plan for Mount Geoffrey Regional Nature Park and Crown land trails.
2015 Public Open House and Questionnaire Results
Those who were not able to attend the June 2015 open house were able to provide input by completing an on-line questionnaire. The questionnaire was open until September 25, 2015. Following are links to the compilation of questionnaire responses, open house comments and the information boards presented at the open house:
Public Open House Information Boards
- Chief Everson Welcome Letter – Introduction
- Vision – Key Values
- Trail Network – Recreational Experience
- Trail Map
- Natural Environment – Cultural Values
- Park Addition – Crown Land Management – What's Next
- Draft Strategies Background
Previous Public Consultations
The CVRD and BC Parks were at the Hornby Island Farmer’s Market and the Co-op in August 2014 to get some initial public input on the Mount Geoffrey trail system, signage, parking areas, protection of sensitive ecosystems, protection and interpretation of heritage sites and other issues.
To learn about park visitor’s preferences, the public was asked to complete a questionnaire, available in paper form and on-line from August 2014 to mid-May 2015. You can view a summary of questionnaire responses or the complete compiled questionnaire responses received. The responses were reviewed by the Mount Geoffrey Parks Planning Committee. The committee was impressed with the thoughtfulness of the comments. The responses guided the draft strategies for review by the public at the June 13, 2015 open house at the Hornby Community Hall and subject of the second online survey (see above).
Background Information
Mount Geoffrey Parks and Trails Planning Project
The CVRD is updating the 1998 park plan for Mount Geoffrey Regional Nature Park and is also reviewing management of the trails on the Crown lands east of the park. The Crown land trails are managed by the CVRD in cooperation with the Regional Parks Committee of the Hornby Islands Residents and Ratepayers Association.
BC Parks is developing a park management plan for the adjacent Mount Geoffrey Escarpment Provincial Park which was designated as a class A provincial park in 2004.
Mount Geoffrey’s Special Features
Together Mount Geoffrey Regional Nature Park, Mount Geoffrey Escarpment Provincial Park and the undeveloped Crown land cover approximately 25% of Hornby Island. The area includes a variety of natural features such as steep bluffs, forested benches, Douglas-fir forests, mixed forests, wetlands and shoreline. Thanks to these diverse ecosystems, Mount Geoffrey protects habitat for a number of rare plants and wildlife. The natural area is also recognized for its importance to Hornby Island as a groundwater recharge area.
The Mount Geoffrey regional and provincial parks and Crown land trails are popular mountain biking and hiking destinations. The trail systems in Mount Geoffrey Nature Park and on the Crown lands is also used by equestrians. Shingle Spit Trail in Mount Geoffrey Escarpment Provincial Park is an important route connecting Ford’s Cove to the Hornby ferry.
In addition, both parks have history associated with First Nations settlement, early pioneers, the Leaf House built by architect Lloyd House and the former Ford family residence and farm.