Recreational Vehicle Sanitary Dumping Stations

The number of local and accessible sanitary dumping facilities within the Comox Valley has been steadily decreasing over the past few years. 

In late 2020, the Comox Valley Sewage Commission directed CVRD staff to work with municipalities and select a preferred location for a public sanitary dump facility in Comox or Courtenay. After exhausting several promising options, staff brought back a progress report to the Sewage Commission in May 2023 and were directed to pause development of a regional-owned sani-dump facility and engage with the business community regarding privately owned options.

In February 2024, the Village of Cumberland advised the CVRD that they would be closing their sani-dump facility. A further update was provided to the Sewage Commission in March 2024, and CVRD staff were directed to work with the City of Courtenay and Town of Comox to identify locations for a temporary sani-dump facility and undertake the necessary due diligence work at the most preferred site as staff capacity allows. In June 2024, the Sewage Commission directed staff to engage a consultant to identify and assess potential public sani-dump sites and to help develop and deliver a competitive process for incentivizing, identifying and assessing potential private sani-dump sites, with the goal of implementation by summer 2025.

Looking for a sanitary dumping location near you?

A number of facilities exist throughout the region at campsites. Some of these facilities may accept sani-dump waste for a fee while others are limited to overnight guests only. For a list of these private facilities visit the RV dump station directory.

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