The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) Board of Directors is governed by a code of conduct, which outlines what board members can expect from each other.
This code of conduct stipulates that:
- Discussions at board and committee meetings will be focused on the issues and the facts.
- The diverse perspectives of each director, as they reflect the interests of their own communities, will be respected.
- Strong disagreements and conflicts will be seen as a natural part of board and committee work.
- Directors can expect courteous behaviour from each other.
- No director will speak publicly in a way that denigrates the CVRD, other directors or staff.
- Assumptions will not be made about what a particular director means when he or she speaks. Each director has a responsibility to ask for clarification.
- Disagreements will not be taken personally, nor made personal.
- Directors have the right and responsibility to speak publicly and to explain their position, agreement or disagreement with the overall Board's decision
- Directors, when speaking publicly and at board and committee meetings, will avoid inflammatory language. They are expected to speak in an objective manner.