Comprehensive Rate Review: Water Local Service Areas

Water Rates Are Increasing

Water systems within the Black Creek-Oyster Bay, Comox Valley, Royston, and Union Bay Water Local Service Areas (WLSA) are made up of infrastructure that is approaching the end of its service life and will require replacement in the coming years.

The CVRD has completed detailed analysis to develop a replacement schedule and funding model which shows that increased water rates are required in order to ensure system reliability and safe drinking water for years to come. The below links outline staff reports that shows all of the analysis information.

Webinar Presentations

Below are two webinars presented by Kris La Rose, Senior Manager of Water and Wastewater Services, that cover the current situation of the CVRD water infrastructure and why your parcel taxes and water rates are increasing.

PowerPoint Presentation - November 6 Overview Presentation

Cost Impacts to Users

Rate increases have been developed with a focus on balancing affordability and ensuring safe, reliable drinking water for current and future users. A number of scenarios were developed and the rate increases consider increases over a longer time period to allow for more gradual increases to users while still planning for the future.

Next Steps

Water rates will start increasing in 2024 based on individual service needs outlined above. A formal review of water rates will be completed every four years to ensure effective service delivery and targets for replacement are met.

Project Contact:
Kris La Rose
Senior Manager of Water and Wastewater Services
Email: Engineering Services