Regional Parks and Trails Service


In December 2020, the CVRD Board provided direction to undertake a regional parks service establishment background study to help local government elected officials and staff make an informed decision about the merits of a regional parks service and whether to establish such a service in the CVRD. Neilson Strategies was selected to perform this work which is being guided by a working group comprised of staff from the regional district and each of the municipalities to ensure an open and collaborative process.

For more information, please visit the Regional Parks and Trails Strategy Plan. 

Over the past several years, there has been a renewed interest in a regional parks service and how it may help the Comox Valley meet some of its regional active transportation, outdoor recreation and conservation/climate action goals.

Project Timeline:

CVRD staff identified a three-step process to explore the potential establishment of a regional parks service. 

Phase One: A Background Study - Complete

In early 2022 a regional parks background study was presented to the Town of Comox, City of Courtenay, Village of Cumberland, and the CVRD. The study, which describes how other regions have structured their parks services and the difference between regional parks and other types of parks, was intended to help local governments understand what a regional parks service could look like in the Comox Valley. 

After reviewing the background study and hearing from the regional parks working group, each of the region's Municipal Councils and the CVRD Board expressed their support for the establishment of a regional parks service in spring of 2022.

Regional Parks Background Study Report

Phase Two: Service Establishment -  Complete

The Comox Valley Regional District formally established a Regional Parks Service on September 29th, 2022. The Service was established with consent of region's Municipal Councils and a full regulatory review by the Province and the CVRD Board. The Regional Parks and Trails Service bylaw (No. 719) defines the governance model, funding and operational structures, and regulatory requirements for the service.

Phase Three: Strategic Planning - Complete

Thank you to all who contributed to the Regional Parks and Trails Strategic Plan process. The final phase of engagement concluded in October with input from the Regional Parks and Trails Committee (RPTC), the community, interest groups, and the Working Group. A summary of the comments received, the changes made, and the final plan was presented to the RPTC on November 26, 2024. The RPTC unanimously adopted the Plan and directed staff to offer a Plan presentation for K'ómoks First Nation, the City of Courtenay, the Town of Comox, and the Village of Cumberland.

Stay tuned for next steps as the CVRD works together with K'ómoks First Nation and our regional partners in implementing this plan.