400 Saratoga Beach Properties

400 Saratoga Beach Properties is a proposed development project located in Saratoga (Electoral Area C) at an unaddressed lot off Mclarey Road and 8840 Island Highway. The two lots amount to approximately 37 hectares. The proposal consists of:

  • rezoning the two lots so that they can be subdivided and developed with more density than what is currently permitted;
  • subdivision to create 432 lots; and,
  • development of 544 dwelling units over 36 hectares of land.

The density being proposed requires the construction of a new community sewage system and connectivity to a community water system.

Details of the Rezoning Application RZ 3C 22

  • In November 2022, the CVRD accepted the application.
  • The proposal and accompanying staff report was reviewed by the Electoral Area Services Committee (EASC) on August 14, 2023. The EASC requested additional information from the applicant regarding the proposed housing typology and density, rainwater management, parkland and sensitive habitat areas, and the proposed community sewer system.
  • Following the submission of additional information, EASC again considered the proposal in March 2024 but deferred the item to its next meeting.
400 Saratoga Rezoning Application Map


There is an existing Master Development Agreement (MDA) on the unaddressed lot off McLarey Road. The existing zoning and MDA allow that area to be subdivided into a maximum of 143 lots for residential use conditional on connecting each lot to community water and sanitary sewer systems. The current proposal increases the density of lots and dwelling units.