Driftwood Park

Forested trails, Trails, Viewing platform, Wildlife viewing
Parking lot, Roadside parking


Drifwood Park was created as part of the subdivision of nine hectares of land into 14 bare land strata lots in November of 2006.

In 2016 the park moved from inactive to active status and the CVRD built a trail to connect the cul-de-sac at the end of Driftwood Road to an existing trail along the statutory right-of-way to provide public access to the park.  This was done since Driftwood Estates planned to install a gate at the entrance to their development to minimize public access (which they did in 2017).  As part of the trail project a six foot high, 175 foot long cedar fence and a 40 foot long split rail fence were built to create privacy for neighboring properties of the park. 

A new six foot wide bike bridge was built over the small, seasonal creek at the east end of the park.  The bridge is located where the Beach Crescent undeveloped right-of-way meets the developed right-of-way and was built to replace the small footbridge that was originally built by local residents.  It is the hope that this new bike bridge becomes part of the greater cycling infrastructure in the Saratoga Beach area, connecting Miracle Beach Provincial Park to the Saratoga Beach settlement area.  A wildlife viewing platform was also constructed and is located along the Strait Road right-of-way. The second growth Fir forest and the brackish marsh provide park users viewing opportunities of the many types of birds and other wildlife that reside in and along the salt marsh that runs the length of Driftwood Marine Park.  Three bat boxes were also installed in the park to provide housing for the local bat population and to help combat the high populations of mosquitos in the area.


Driftwood Marine Park is well used by local residents as the park links the Saratoga Beach settlement area with Miracle Beach Provincial Park.  This small but varied park is a great spot for walking, cycling, birding and general nature appreciation as it has well defined trails and amenities around its two distinct ecosystems - a salt marsh and second growth Fir forest. 

Driftwood Park is not an off leash dog park.  Although leashing is optional all dogs must be under control. 

Learn More About Dogs In Parks


Clarkson Road, Driftwood Road and Beach Crescent park entrances
Black Creek – Saratoga Beach (Electoral Area C)

Park Etiquette

  • Walkers and cyclists only on the trail 
  • Horses are not permitted
  • Leashing is optional, except near the wildlife viewing platform where leashing is required.