The proposed route for the Denman cross-island trail to connect the two ferry terminals, the trail design and proposed priority sections were presented to Denman Island residents for feedback at a community open house in 2013.
The newest section of the Denman Cross-Island Trail, the Kirk Road Stairs and Trail, is now complete and open. The stairs provide another beach access option on the west side of the Island and provide safe passage for pedestrians to the Denman West Ferry Terminal. Cyclists heading to and from the Denman West Ferry Terminal will still need to use Denman Road to join up with the existing section of the trail beginning in front of the Denman Arts Centre.
The trail is now complete from downtown to Corrigal Road with the lone missing section being the steep Denman Road hill section. The new trail is consistently 2.2 meters wide, a comfortable size for a multi-use trail, and has already experienced use from the local community. This section of trail complies with the Ministry of Transportation and Transit's specifications for safety, having a continuous ditch buffer along this dangerous section of road. We have tried a new topping material on the trail with more fines that will create a smoother surface more conducive to bicycles but still good for walkers and horses.
The long term goal will be to have a continuous trail from the Denman West ferry terminal all the way to the Hornby ferry terminal.
Denman Island
Next steps
The CVRD is presently in a planning stage for the next trail sections of the Cross-Island Trail. On Sept. 8, 2018 the CVRD Parks Department took out a booth at the Denman Island Farmers Market for the purposes of an Open House to discuss the Cross Island trail. Trail alignment options for various unfinished segments of the trail were presented and open house attendees were asked to fill out a survey to determine trail priorities for Denman Islanders. Those unable to attend the open house were also able to complete the survey and submit their preferences. The CVRD was given a mandate to continue building the trail down East Road towards the Ferry to Hornby Island, starting with the section where the trail presently terminates from Corrigal Road to Owl Crescent. The Big Hill segment is currently under review by the Ministry of Transportation and Transit.
Learn more about the Denman Cross Island Trail Project below, including survey results and open house presentation boards.
Denman Island Cross Trail Project Page