Rural Community Grant Application

  • Current Grant Information
  • Applicant Details
  • Complete

Eligibility Criteria

Rural Community Grant applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  1. Live in the Comox Valley Regional District, or alternatively, provide a service which primarily benefits the residents of the Comox Valley.
  2. Comply with all relevant Comox Valley Regional District bylaws.
  3. Organization is a registered non-profit, in good standing.
    a. Organization can provide a registry number.
    b. Organization has an active Board of Directors. Voting members of the Board must not receive payment of any kind from the applicant organization.

Only applications that meet the mandatory eligible criteria will be advanced to the evaluation process.


Grants must be applied for each calendar year. Completed applications must be received by October 15th by 4:30 pm or the next business day if this falls on a weekend or statutory holiday.

Applications received after the deadline may be considered on a case-by-case basis, pending funding availability.

The Process

Organizations will be sent a confirmation email acknowledging the receipt of their application submission.

Once applications are approved by the relevant internal reviews, the Electoral Areas Services Committee will evaluate the applications in January and make the final funding determination. 

Release of Funds

All awarded grants will receive the funds by May 30.

Acknowledge CVRD support

All promotional materials related to project funding will acknowledge the Comox Valley Regional District with a statement such as “Proudly supported by the Comox Valley Regional District.”

Reporting Requirement

A final report about your project/program is to be submitted with a new application, if applying again, or submitted via email by October 15th.

Any unused funds shall be returned to the CVRD no later than October 15th of the following year. The CVRD reserves the right to request a report from any successful applicant.


All reports, communications, questions related to the grant should be sent to