CVRD Reminding Residents to Pay Utility Bills by December 31

In consideration of the ongoing interruption of Canada Post services, the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) is reminding residents that utilities’ accounts for water service, garbage and recycling collection must be paid in full by noon on December 31, 2024 to avoid the transfer of unpaid balances onto property taxes.

Please contact the CVRD at 250-334-6000 or email if the following situation applies:

  • Utility payment was sent through Canada Post
  • Unsure of account’s status
  • Recently purchased a home in the Electoral Areas and have not received an invoice
  • Want to sign up to receive invoices by email

“Customers are highly encouraged to sign up to receive their bills electronically and to set up automatic bill payments,” explains Lucy Wiwcharuk, Chief Financial Officer. “We are happy to help set this up for you so please give our office a call.”

Outstanding balances will be transferred to property tax accounts with the BC Ministry of Finance on January 2, 2025, and will be subject to interest and penalties set by the provincial government.

For payment options and other information regarding utilities accounts, please visit our website at

The Comox Valley Regional District is a partnership of three electoral areas and three municipalities operating on the unceded traditional territory of the K’ómoks First Nation, the traditional keepers of the land. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on providing sustainable services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.

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Media Contact:

Lucy Wiwcharuk
Chief Financial Officer