Homelessness Supports Service Referendum

On November 28, 2015, voters in Courtenay, Cumberland and the three electoral areas of the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) – excluding Denman and Hornby Islands – were asked:

“Are you in favour of the Comox Valley Regional District adopting Bylaw No. 389 being “Comox Valley Homelessness Supports Service Establishment Bylaw No. 389, 2015” to establish a service that would provide funds to one or more local nongovernmental organizations based on a board approved five-year action plan to address homelessness in the Comox Valley? Yes or No”

Bylaw No. 389 would provide funds to one or more local non-governmental organizations based on a board-approved five-year action plan to address homelessness in the Comox Valley. The service area that is subject of this bylaw includes the City of Courtenay, Village of Cumberland, Baynes Sound – Denman/Hornby Islands (Electoral Area A) (excluding Denman and Hornby Islands), Lazo North (Electoral Area B) and Puntledge – Black Creek (Electoral Area C). 


Yes 1,617 votes cast (53%)
No 1,433 votes cast (47%)

Background to the Referendum

View the Declaration of Official Results

In November 2014, the CVRD held a non-binding vote to measure public opinion on the homelessness issue. When asked, 71 per cent of voters indicated that they would pay at least $5 on their taxes to support initiatives to help address homelessness. Residents of the City of Courtenay, Town of Cumberland and the three electoral areas of the CVRD voted. Residents of Hornby and Denman Islands were not included; the Town of Comox indicated its intention to pursue other methods to address homelessness.

As a result, the CVRD Board of Directors voted to hold a referendum on November 28, 2015. The board approved the wording of the referendum on September 29, 2015.