On Tuesday, October 2, 2018 the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) Board denied 3L Developments Inc. application for a new settlement node in Electoral Area C of the region.
This outcome comes after a July 2018 Board decision to process the 3L Developments Inc. application as a standard amendment to the Regional Growth Strategy. The Board remained committed to a fair and transparent process for the application. Once the standard amendment process was determined, the CVRD Board on August 14, 2018 adopted a fulsome consultation plan that included a joint open house in partnership with 3L Developments on September 6, 2018. Approximately 240 citizens attended the open house to hear presentations from both CVRD staff and 3L Developments Inc. Following this open house CVRD staff received three petitions, and numerous emails from residents expressing their views about the development. All of this feedback was provided to the CVRD Board for consideration. The consultation plan also included an opportunity for 3L to present information to the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Steering Committee in August.
At its October meeting, the CVRD Board made the decision to deny 3L Developments Inc. application for a new settlement node. A Steering Committee report and additional information from 3L Developments Inc. were also considered at the October meeting. The Steering Committee, the Comox Valley’s local government chief administrative officers, recommended that the application be denied based on the foundational principle that a new settlement node is not needed at this time relative to housing unit supply, population projections and demographic trends in the Comox Valley. The CVRD board is under no obligation to continue processing 3L’s application relative to the Local Government Act (RSBC, 2015, c. 1) (LGA), BC Court of Appeal decision, or the Board’s Consultation Plan. All process requirements have been met.
For more information visit www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/3l
The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.
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Media Contact:
Jennifer Steel, Manager of Corporate Communications