CVRD Board agrees to consider 3L’s application to amend the Regional Growth Strategy

The Comox Valley Regional District Board has voted to initiate an amendment to the Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) and consider a development proposal by 3L Developments Inc. to establish a new Settlement Node in the rural area.

In the first step, the Board has approved a recommendation from the Committee of the Whole to initiate an amendment to the Regional Growth Strategy in order to consider the application made by 3L Development Inc.

At the same meeting, the Board defeated a recommendation to consider the proposal as a minor amendment. By defeating the recommendation, the proposal from 3L Development Inc. to establish a new Settlement Node in the rural area, will now be considered as a standard amendment to the Regional Growth Strategy.

“The Regional Growth Strategy is the guiding document for sustainable development in the Comox Valley and great care will be taken to ensure its social, economic and environmental values are applied during our decision process,” said Board Chair, Bruce Jolliffe. “As with any application, we are committed to a fair and transparent review process.”

The next step will be for staff to bring forward a consultation strategy for the board’s consideration at the August 28 meeting.

About the Regional Growth Strategy

The CVRD Regional Growth Strategy was adopted in 2011 to manage growth in the Comox Valley. The RGS is intended to be a framework for decision-making and land use with the aim of preserving the Region’s high quality of life. It includes eight goal areas to address Housing, Ecosystems, Natural Areas and Parks, Local Economic Development, Transportation, Infrastructure, Food Systems, Public Health and Safety, and Climate Change.

Each of the eight goal areas include a series of objectives, policies and measurable targets, which are monitored and reported on in a published annual report each year, as required by the Local Government Act. 

The official community plans of the electoral areas and the member municipalities (City of Courtenay, Town of Comox and Village of Cumberland) must all comply with the Regional Growth Strategy. 

For more information about how the Regional Growth Strategy manages sustainable growth in the Comox Valley please visit:

About the Comox Valley Regional District

The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.

Media Contact:

Russell Dyson, CAO
Comox Valley Regional District

To book an interview please contact Christianne Wile at 250-334-6066